The 2019 Dandenong Ranges Calendar is now available for sale. Limited stocks – so get in while you can! Order here.
Pecking order in native birdlife
Was outside watching the birds this afternoon. It’s been quite cold and today the wind is bitter, so I was rugged up but the sun was out and I needed to just be outside for awhile. Thought I’d try and get some photos of kookaburras in flight – which isn’t easy when you have a…
Birdsland in the mist
Many know that I walk regularly at Birdsland – just love the fresh mornings, the fresh air, the bird calls, the solitude. Later in the day the number of walkers increase, but first thing in the morning there are a few regulars, and occasional others, enjoying the place and the early morning start. I can’t…
Autumn Festival at Alowyn Gardens
There are so many things on at this time of year. Autumn really is the BEST time. I love it. It’s my favourite season and it’s definitely a great season here in the Dandenong Ranges. Even when it’s been dry for as long as it has and we’ve had to get water trucked in. Would…
2018 Dandenong Ranges Calendar now available
I have a small supply of these calendars left in stock. Out for half price! $10 pick up or $12 posted. Click on the image to order yours today.
2018 Calendar orders open
I can’t believe that 2017 has just over 3 months to go! Where has that time gone? It kind of crept up on me but I now have my act together and the 2018 calendar is at the printers right at this very moment. Each image is on an A4 landscape page with a boxed…
Amazing discovery – 4 winged duck!
I made an amazing discovery yesterday! Who would have guessed I’d make such a discovery and get a shot of it too? It’s true! I was at Birdsland Reserve yesterday morning, one of my favourite haunts for bird life and landscape views and I saw some ducks take off from the second lake. I’ve been…
New Year, new things
Been awhile since I’ve written a post here but that’s because I’ve been busy elsewhere. I’m slowly building a following at Instagram and also have another website dedicated to garden photography. Growing the stock library there does take some time to do but it’s getting there. And I also have an Instagram account for that…
Visiting the park
Love visiting Birdsland Reserve (formerly Birds Paddock) and my husband and I went for an afternoon walk this week. I usually do early morning walks but it’s nice to do so at a different time of the day sometimes. Save
2017 Calendar ready for orders
I’ve received the advance proof of next year’s calendar in the post today. It’s looking good! And the images are all ones that readers have chosen to be in the calendar. Cost of calendar is $19.95 plus postage. Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the rest of the world – happy to post copies wherever. Copies…
Photography and Social Media tips
I’ve been a blogger for many years, since 2005 in fact, and own a few blogs on various topics. Firm believer that you should keep your blog focused on one topic – although you may have many categories under that one topic. In this case, this blog relates to photography and the categories relate to…
Native garden in Monbulk
I recently had the privilege of photographing a garden in Monbulk. I’d been to visit it a few times in the past and I was amazed at how much it had grown. Just under two years of age, there are many bushes there of a mature size. The owner, Shirley, started the garden after she…