There weren’t just the dragonflies though. I spied these two as I walked slowly along paths. I love looking for something different – things that people would normally miss because they’re engrossed in conversations, or their own thoughts or something. I know the first is a beetle but not sure what the other is.
Author: Kathie
Yellow Dragonflies
As I walked along the tracks at the park there were a lot of dragonflies flying along keeping me company. Sometimes they were fly ahead and then stop, waiting for me to catch up. One time one stopped and faced me waiting. My husband thought they might be waiting for insects that flew up as…
White faced heron skimming lake
While at the lake on that beautiful Saturday I saw this lone heron skimming the lake before coming in for a landing.
Lysterfield Lake
I thought I’d experiment with the Fisheye look since the scene seemed to lend itself to that style so readily.
Perfect day at Lysterfield
Saturday was just the most perfect Spring day. Gorgeous and the people turned out in their numbers at Lysterfield Lake Park. I took to the single tracks in the bushland so I could photography birds, insects and other things without being disturbed by loud voices and lots of people. Below is a picture of the…
Orange Rose perfection
With Spring has come vibrant colours and scents. This rose is in our garden.
Back at Cloudehill
I had to go revisit Cloudehill to see how it looks in the spring. I plan to go every season and have now learnt they do seasonal tickets. I could have bought one several times over by now – they’d not mentioned it before. This is looking down at the Maple Court.
Australian King Parrot
Spied in my neighbour’s garden, this bird watched me as I watched him.
Big man grey kangaroo
Seems when we’re walking about the park we’re actually on view – to all the animals and birdlife there. We came across many kangaroos, mothers with joeys, and young kangaroos. We saw this big male grey eating but as we got closer he stood up tall to watch us. Quite imposing really.
Fern in the sunlight
I love the early morning and seeing the sun rise and touch things with its light. This fern was bathed in sunlight although the tree behind it was still in shadows.
Duck in a tree
Here’s something you don’t see every day. A duck in a tree. It looked very clumsy flying up there and eventually settling. It would seem they actually settle in the trees at night time. This was taken at Lysterfield Lake Park.
Swallow on the lake
This might play with your eyes a bit. It’s a dead tree branch in the water with a swallow sitting on it.