The title of this post came via my husband’s cousin, Dianne. We were having a chat online after she’d commented on some macro photography I’d recently done. She’d commented that I had a very keen and natural eye for detail and I’d responded that I am constantly amazed how people totally miss what’s around them, when out walking in local parks and gardens. I see people walking or running on their own, ear buds in their ears, oblivious to what’s around them. I see people engaged in conversations (usually very loudly) either to someone else with them, or on their phones, again, oblivious to what’s around them. It seems that only those of us with cameras, or walking dogs, are more aware of what’s around them. I do sometimes see people pull out their phones to take photos and the occasional other photographer with camera.
I’ve begun to see it as my mission to share with others, both locally, and further afield, what it is I see through the lens of my cameras. And let me share, that it wasn’t till I took up photography seriously some years ago, that I really began to see the REAL world, rather than just a portion of my surroundings. I notice, now, shapes, colours, sounds, movements, sizes, all sorts of things. I feel so much more aware of everything around me – but I do still miss things. But not as much as I used to. I’ve learnt bird calls and to recognise the flap of wings of some birds, without having seen them fly past. But always, learning new things, new sounds, new birds, new insects, new plants. And feeling at peace in my nature surroundings. Living where we do is such a gift and actually recognising that and noticing the things around us is an even special gift. I want to encourage you to notice, really notice, everything around you as you venture out on a day to day basis. You just never know what it is you might see!