As a result of my newsletter article (because of a photography competition win) I picked up my first paying client recently. I went to his place to take photos of a family of Tawny Frogmouths in his garden and to do some prints for him.
He was very happy and wrote me a letter saying “I was very pleased to receive the proofs. It’s a shame the parents weren’t interested enough to pose for a family photograph” He marked the proof sheet for the copies he wanted which I organised.
I enjoyed this job, even if were a small one, and thought that if readers who are local to my region wanted something photographed in their garden, I would be happy to take the job! In fact, my own neighbour rang me yesterday because there was a flock of rainbow lorikeets in her garden. She told me to bring my camera. Unfortunately they’d moved on by the time I got there but I’ll look out for them for her.
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